This hospital in Murcia (Spain) has developed the following applications with OpenXava: Management and monitoring of indicators of the management agreements of the pact between hospitals and the health service authorities. Automated management and delivery of hospital indicators sent monthly to hospital care services. Management of the waiting list to grant parking. Application to report on the sending of group and community activities carried out by health centers in the context of an indicator of the management agreement, this application addressed and solved the management of sending a large number of papers that later had to be analyze Application to automate the request for leaves to the staff of the health centers that manage the hospital, there is a chain of validation until the request is approved and possible substitution. Application for the automation of COVID activity and statistics that is prepared and distributed to different recipients (hospital management, etc.).
Kwivira, a software company from Virginia (United States), has built two applications using OpenXava. The first, BOSS, is an enterprise request management system designed to be an onboarding tool where a company can hire a new employee and use the application to send messages to all people involved in the hiring process to insure the new employee gets all the tools they need to do the job. The second, EADAN (Event Automation and Data Analysis) is a monitoring application for small to medium size companies to understand better what is happening in their network without having to spend months and hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of the Republic of Nicaragua has developed, using OpenXava, a web application called Integrated Public Credit Sub-System (SICP), through which operations are carried out to manage the public debt of the Central Government of Nicaragua, such as: control of external loan disbursements, income from internal loans, projections for the calculation of the payment and debt payments. The SICP extracts information from the Debt Management and Analysis System (SIGADE) developed by UNCTAD and the Government Securities Administration System (SATVG) and interoperates with the Integrated Financial Administrative Management System (SIGAF).
This German company has developed a set of applications for Automotive and ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). The product installed in a vehicle performs bidirectional communication and data translation according to ISO standards. The Open Driving Platform Studio is developed with OpenXava to create all the data required by the product installed in the vehicle and other connected applications. They have support from large aftermarket organizations in Europe and the USA. They are trying to have direct access to the vehicles sensor and control network, roadside station sensor and control network, and smartphone sensor and control network in order to enable all devices to exchange any data in the same data format.
The Gastón Dachary University of Misiones (Argentina) has developed two application portals using OpenXava. The first one for students and teachers that allows them to do all needed procedures with the university. The second portal of the university includes the Academic Management Systems and Administrative Management Systems for internal staff. The systems developed with OpenXava for the university cover student management from the moment they are interested in an academic offer, through the management of their degree course, to the management and issuance of their degrees.
This French company produces innovative textile solutions throughout the world. They use OpenXava to power up their Extranet, that follows up of projects, samples, quotations, prices and technical datasheets. Suppliers enter quotations in their currency, and the Extranet calculates the prices after delivery to the warehouse in euros. Prices are updated automatically every day and sent by mail to the sales force every week.
La Société Nationale de Développement Informatique has developed SIGAF using OpenXava. SIGAF is an integrated management system for forestry for Ministry of Environment Water-Management and Forestry in Ivory Coast. The application is deployed on Glassfish against Oracle.
The city of Lausanne (Switzerland) has developed with OpenXava: Health insurance control management. Waste centers access cards management. Financial participations management. City tax. Water quantity & quality reporting for big customers. Fuel tanks control. Land registry. Dog owners tax. Social financial help legacy database. Social insurances. Society tax. Private persons tax.
Developed by Codersedge, from Sri Lanka, this in-house banking system for Al-Masraful Islamiu leveraged OpenXava to create a robust, scalable solution tailored to Islamic banking principles. Built entirely in Java, the system streamlined core banking operations, including interest-free gold loans and business loans. Comprehensive reporting was achieved through seamless integration with Jasper Reports, enabling detailed and customizable insights for strategic decision-making. Deployed on a Digital Ocean Ubuntu instance, the system ensures high availability, reliability, and accessibility for users, while ongoing maintenance guarantees adaptability to the institutions evolving needs. The project exemplifies how OpenXava's rapid development capabilities, combined with cloud deployment, can transform complex requirements into efficient, modern solutions.
The libraries, archives and museums department (Dibam) of Chile uses an OpenXava application integrated with Bonita BPM for its purchases process with seven subprocess. This application is in production since 2012.
The English NGO Evidence for Development, part of the Walker Institute, are using OpenXava to create a data entry and reporting application to be used in the field in Africa. The application maintains data recorded in African villages. The data produces an economic model of the village. The model is used when weather, drought, war or other disasters place the villagers under threat.
Vida Financiera is a Mexican financial company dedicated to offering loans to a specific sector of the population. The system developed with OpenXava maintains the client portfolio, registers the credit applications, manages and operates the credits. An authorizations flow was implemented that allows different roles to perform and see different things in the life cycle of a loan. In addition, it has complementary modules to the administration of the credit such as collection, automatic collection, collection tracking, and reports.
The Iscte, University Institute of Lisbon, a Portuguese public higher education institution has used OpenXava within the course of design and development of information systems of the graduation degrees in Computer Science Engineering and in Computer Science and Business Management. About 200 students designed and specified the front-end and the back-end of a credit management information systems application, with a focus on a simulation and approval management module. The design phase was achieved using Business Process Modeling language and Unified Modeling language. The implementation phase involved creating databases and stored procedures in MySQL and all programming in OpenXava.
Fabercon, a software company from Finland specialized in web and server technologies, has developed with OpenXava an ERP system for metal companies. The solution includes an architecture that allows the application to be extended in fully customized parts. Given that this ERP is lightweight and customizable it can be used to implement a similar system for almost any industry.
iArchiva is an intelligent content management system for digitalization and automatic classification of documents. The admin interface, the biometric signature platform and auditing have been developed with OpenXava. iArchiva is used by more than 50 Spanish companies, including big companies, public administrations and banks.
Datta Enterprises is an Indian company owned by Bhosle Group with a legacy of more than 70 years and engaged in exports of packaging machines and high precision machine components to Europe and Japan. The apex goal of the company has always been Lean Manufacturing with comprehensive automated control over the business processes in its entirety with minimal human intervention. The ERP is more proactive than reactive, making the management prognosis problems and taking corrective measures before they occur rather than fire-fighting the incidents. The ERP has helped the company to engage minimal workforce, control costs, maintain transparency to the customers as well as the statutory compliance without affecting the product pricing. OpenXava helped develop the ERP with the team concentrating more on building business logic rather than engaging in technical programming details. Thanks to the Business Objects of OpenXava, the entire ERP was developed by just three people, a designer, a developer and a tester. The project went into production on the designated date.
This Argentinian company offers a complete ERP in the cloud for the Latin American market. Cloud ERP has been developed with OpenXava and includes purchases, sales, deposits, accounting, BI tools, business indicators tool, on-line CUIT validation, electronic invoicing, digital certificates management, etc. Multicompany and mobile ready. In production since 2016.
Zokola is a Belgian company devoted to the chocolate business. The company runs on an OpenXava application that includes order management, delivery notes and invoicing. Also includes printing of labels with ingredients, nutritional values, shelflife, lotnumbers and so on, using the JavaScript library Dymo from inside OpenXava. Moreover, the application integrates with a third party task management application called ToDoist using REST services.
Software Promotions, a software company based in South Africa has migrated their legal accounting system from a COBOL legacy system to a Java web-based system using OpenXava. Lawpac is a comprehensive legal accounting system designed for the legal profession. The software provides the legal fraternity with the latest technology and features thereby enabling attorneys to manage their practices efficiently.
Tú Decide is a Mexican startup to compare services, such as telephony packages, cable, mortages, and so on. After developing the front end of the site, they needed a way to develop rapidly the application to manage the database behind the site. They use OpenXava to solve this problem in a rapid and efficient way.
Your Nine Nine, a company from South Africa, has created SmartFin99 using OpenXava. SmartFin99 is a solution built to fulfill the financial management of schools. The financial management of a school is unique so a typical company financial management software package creates a lot of bidden to schools trying to fit the financial management of a company in school environments. SmartFin99 was built from the ground to fulfill the school needs. It takes away all the manual and repetitive work allowing the school administration to be easy and smooth.
The software company Net Com has developed using OpenXava several applications for the financial sector in Colombia, such as a system for remote loading of POS terminals, an application to configure a financial gateway or an authorization system for private cards.
The city of Brion, Venezuela, runs on an integrated system, by the company Libra Sistemas, that includes tax office, land registry, casual sellers, patents, vehicles, boats, traffic fines, advertising, gambling, property registration office, receipts, daily, monthly and yearly incoming, auditing for all records, all type of reports and charts. Everything developed with OpenXava.
The local government of Fuenlabrada (Spain) has used OpenXava to develop: Electoral process, to count the participation by polling station. Visit control, to record all the visits to the city hall including printing the visitor pass card. Several forms to be used directly by citizens in the city internet site.
The local government of Gavà (Spain) has used OpenXava to develop: CRM for the companies support center. CRM for the social services department. Electoral process. Animal cencus. Buyer profile. School budget City information point. directory. Street map management. Society record. Wedding schedule. Furniture collection schedule. Cession of vehicles. Blue zone resident card. Citizen complaints and suggestions.
L.O. Accounting and Tax Services is a company from Puerto Rico that provides solutions in the areas of accounting and taxes to its clients. To this end, it used OpenXava to develop and offer a cloud service. These solutions are available for clients to make data entries that will later be used to calculate withholdings for both employees and independent contractors, as provided by the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code and the United States Federal Internal Revenue Code.
Istra Tech, a Croatian software company uses OpenXava to build the EVIP web application, designed for tracking attendance and related activities within the organization. The EVIP system is developed for physical, visual and logical monitoring of attendance participants across different areas with multiple monitoring points. Based on the records, the system generates detailed time calculations for each participant. Internally, the system creates detailed records for each employee capturing their arrival
Lusis Luxembourg, a software consultancy based in Luxembourg, has developed a web application using OpenXava for managing CorailClub, a diving club. This application handles various aspects such as people management, including name, first name, address, email, etc., membership management for the club association, equipment management, student training follow-up, and external outings follow-up. It allows the management of thousands of records related to members, equipment, student training, and external outings.
Oppida, a Spanish archaeological and heritage consultancy, has created INSTRUMENTA using OpenXava. INSTRUMENTA is a collaborative database designed for inventory management and online support for archaeology professionals. It implements a series of forms for data input and presentation of archaeological site information, allowing the management of thousands of records for stratigraphic units, inventory materials such as ceramics, bone, organic matter, stone, glass, and metal. It also manages information related to 3D models and the restoration of archaeological artifacts. It enables different specialists to work on the same artifact simultaneously, providing assessments, data, and insights about it.
Eneragro is an Ecuadorian company that produces sugar, cane molasses, and coconut water, with a quality management system that complies with ISO 9001:2015 standards and BPM (ARCSA, AGROCALIDAD, and ACUACULTURA) standards for excellent manufacturing practices. Eneragro's laboratory uses an application developed with OpenXava for quality management. It is a complex application that includes daily data management, times, primary variables, factory calculations, consumption, factory inputs, routine and special analysis, as well as a multitude of reports. An interesting feature of this application is that it allows data to be uploaded from Excel templates.
The Colombian company Space TI has developed a complete payroll and employee portal solution using OpenXava. The application is adapted to the Colombian market and is currently used by many Colombian companies as their payroll solution. The application has contract management, payroll settlement (massive and individual), settlement of social benefits/vacations/indemnities (massive and individual), payroll accounting and export to any accounting software, generation of payment plan to bank, generation of PILA to operator (Social Security and Parafiscal), generation of electronic payroll to your operator, generation of several reports, employee portal (labor certificates, payment vouchers, among others), billing, treasury, fiscal and financial module.
Tecnisoa is a logistics company in the Basque Country specialized in land, sea and air transport, customs clearance, intrastat, storage, distribution, insurance and foreign trade advice. All their management is done with their own application developed with OpenXava, the application completely covers the areas of transport, accounting and finance. From a technical point of view, it is worth noting the intensive use of stored procedures and triggers, up to 180, on the PostgreSQL database.
The Galician company Isgal has developed an OpenXava application for the Coordination of Business Activities (Ox C.A.E.). Royal Decree 171/2004 obliges companies to control the activities that originate from the confluence of several workers from different companies in the same workplace. Ox C.A.E. offers a complete solution so that any company can comply with this regulation, offering a platform where both the company and the contractors can maintain the necessary documentation in order and available over time. Likewise, Ox C.A.E. It has a set of tools that allow permanent communication with contractors and systems for permanent verification of information. The application is multi-user and works in the cloud, with documentation history, real-time notifications, issuance of access cards and is compatible with any device.
SOL is a cloud business software for the Ecuadorian market for companies of any size, from individual professionals to large corporations. SOL is developed with pure Java using OpenXava and includes accounting, inventory management, payroll, electronic invoicing, warehouse management, purchases, sales, taxes, electronic documents approved by the SRI, report generation, etc. SOL is offered as SaaS for a subscription and only requires a browser and internet connection.
In Ecuador in rural areas there are companies that produce potable water, which are called water boards. A system developed with OpenXava is in production that bills and collects the potable water consumption of the inhabitants of the Olón commune in the province of Santa Elena. The application manages the commercialization of potable water. The company has water wells that process it for distribution and sale to the inhabitants. The system includes the following options: registration of the meter installation contract, user registry, registry of facilities, meters, reading record, billing of consumption and installation of meters, collection of consumption and installation of meters, cuts and reconnections.
The use of RFID technology in shops greatly facilitates the stock management since it converts a complex and elaborate procedure such as inventories in a simple, quick and precise operation. The Spanish company Tag Ingenieros has developed several RFID solutions using OpenXava, such as ITL Inventories RFID and ITL Retail RFID. These solutions are modular and can be adapted to all kinds of companies, offering multiple options in the design of its implementation, both for the management of stores (inventories, picking, merchandise movements, expeditions, etc.) and in shops (sales, merchandise reception, unknown loss prevention, stock control, interactive fitting rooms, demonstrators, etc.).
S2 Informática has computerized the A Coruña Harbor Market (Spain) using JavaFX, JasperReports, Microsoft SQL Server and OpenXava. JavaFX applications are used by touch screens from which they do the weighing of the ships, the sale of ice and the collection of empty boxes. These applications share the database with the OpenXava application and when they weigh, sell ice, collect boxes on touch computers, users in the office can view in real time the data in the OpenXava web application, and can even add records to master files such as Ships, Species, Customers, etc.
ZX-Ed is a database editor and script generator for ZXDB. ZXDB is an open database containing historical information of software, hardware, magazines and books about ZX-Spectrum and related machines. It's currently the most widely used Sinclair related database, feeding several Spectrum websites, an open API at ZXInfo, and the mobile application Zx App that uses this API. It's also used as index reference by a dozen different websites and services. ZX-Ed is open source and available on GitHub. It was created by Einar Saukas using OpenXava.
Al-Yemen Steel Workshop is a CNC (Computer Numerical Control) company from Yemen that replaced tons of excel sheets with long hyperlinks and formulas by an OpenXava application, including orders management with shipments control. Also the application allows users to upload CSV files which came from the production logs to the application to avoid manual data entry.
Aletti & Asociados has developed with OpenXava the purchasing software for Construmex S.A, an Argentinian company with construction projects distributed across the country. The purshasing application is a customized system that includes all the steps from purchase request to goods arrival with authorizations and monitoring. Moreover, it reconciles purchases with invoices, allows to attach all supporting documents and includes financial projection.
Custom Closets A&G Designs is the premier Long Island (New York) custom closet designer and it runs on OpenXava. The application, developed by Mundo Web (Ecuador), manages the entire customer workflow, from the customer source and planing a visit to customer house with a designer to creating worksheets and invoices. Including tracking the customer state and report generation.
Button is an IT company from Catalonia (Spain) that has developed several OpenXava applications in the last years, such as a management application for, a bus company (150 users), a complaints and suggestions record system for the Hospital Comarcal de l'Alt Penedès, a funeral parlor system, or a management system for IT companies, among others.
i-Route Solutions is a development company from Guayaquil, Ecuador, focused in outsourcing, business intelligence and mobile applications. They have developed PMiRoute using OpenXava. PMiRoute is a project management application based in PMI concepts. In production since 2014.
Xailna is a Mexican consulting company that offers data center administration, network monitoring, application developing and hosting services. They use OpenXava applications to allows their customers to enter data into their CRM and ERP platforms. Also they have developed portals with OpenXava for customer self-service administration of their services.
Cresafe is a company from Ecuador specialized in buying, selling and administration of automobile portfolio. Cresafe uses an ERP called PowerFIN, developed with OpenXava, to integrate all the processes of all the areas and departments of the company, including financial, administrative, operational and accounting.
Darwin is an open source tool developed with OpenXava for the evaluation of SOA maturity. It's inspired in the OSIMM evaluation framework from Open Group. It can be used by organizations to systematize the maturity evaluation of a services oriented architecture, in this ways it's possible to have a centralized repository of information. It's used in Colombia by the health company Colsanitas.
FiscaWeb is used by local and state public administrations in Mexico to manage taxes applied to companies. The application has been developed by Pendragon Technology using OpenXava. Includes workflow, custom templates, digital library, emails/sms notifications, vehicle register with photos, taxes calculation, etc. Moreover, some customers have until 200 concurrent users.
Zycus Infotech is an Indian company which works on procurement domain for US customers. They have developed their Contract Management application using Openxava. It's a multitenant web application, each tenant has different forms for contract management, so to provide that flexibility they had used OpenXava. It's on production since 2008.
Micronest, a company from Ouagadougou, has developed using OpenXava a complete ERP for Healthcare institutions called MicronestHealth. It is used currently in Burkina Faso (West Africa).
GC & Asoc. Sistemas is a company from Argentina devoted to develop custom-made business applications with OpenXava. They have developed using OpenXava several customized ERPs and CRMs currently used by Argentinian companies.
SIGO is an application to manage companies of gambling sector. It is focussed in optimizing work methods and collaboration, automating most of the typical tasks of a gambling company. SIGO has been developed using OpenXava by Label Key, a company from Madrid.
GIOS is an OpenXava application to manage security companies (shift scheduling, staff management, invoicing, vehicles, weapons, etc) and medical assistance (doctors and assistants shifts, assistance instruments, vehicles, control posts, etc.) that is currently used in several Colombian companies.
This company from Dominican Republic developed using OpenXava a complete ERP with finance, human resources, payroll, inventory management, sales, work orders, business intelligence, reports, etc. This ERP is in production since 2012 and it's offered as a service in the cloud since 2014 with dozens of companies using it currently. Some customers are big ones with millions of records in the tables.
This company from Venezuela is specialized in weighing systems for food industry, iron and steel industry, etc. Their OpenXava applications access to legacy databases in Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and MySQL of ERP systems such as SAP, etc. Moreoever, they has developed with OpenXava a bovine livestock auction application that manages purchases and prints contracts.
This company developed Apex, a leading Payroll/Human Resource management system with OpenXava. Apex is already deployed and running in Nigeria currently. Their biggest client is Borno State Government, with about 30,000 employees being managed by their application. Apex is also being used by Baptist mission schools, one of the largest christian denomination in the country.
This Indian company has developed KnowView using OpenXava. KnownView is an enterprise class academic collaboration suite that enables students, faculty, staff and management to access real-time information and connects them. It is an adaptable solution serving allsizes and types of institutions from universities,colleges, schools to multi-campus establishments.
The Center for Biomedical Informatics of Hardvard, Cambridge (Massachusetts), has developed using OpenXava the next applications: Clinical avatars. WarfarinDosage Predictions.
Visuales Caribe is a software development company servicing Credit Unions in Puerto Rico. They have used OpenXava to develop the applications: Operational management of saving and credit cooperatives. Operational management of consumer cooperatives. Management of service requests.
Pragmatic Test Labs creates and customizes software test management and defect management tools to address various issues in software testing projects and make the software testing pragmatic and efficient. This company from Sri Lanka has developed qaManager using OpenXava. qaManager is a web application for managing software quality assurance projects/teams effectively and efficiently. It's open source.
This Spanish company has developed the next applications using OpenXava: City cencus. Personnel and payroll. Inventory and wealth for Spanish public sector. Local police. File workflow for city hall. Record of input and output document in a city hall. Traffic fines. Employment bureau for hospitals. Elections. Cemetery. Risky animal record. Social services. Presence control.