May 13, 2020
OpenXava 6.3.2 released This is a maintenance version with many bug fixes and some small improvements. We invite you to download it and upgrade your OpenXava applications. Look at the migration instructions. |
Small improvements We have done some small improvements:
- New initialModule property in to start with your own module instead of First Steps.
- New IProcedure functional interface that does not receive or return any value to be use in lambdas.
- Instructions to install Java and Eclipse improved in Getting Started guide.
- Application chapter of reference guide improved.
- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.
Bug fixes This is a maintenance version with many bug fixes:
- Fix: Setting a reference used as mappedBy in an @OrderColumn breaks the collection.
- Fix: Combo for list configurations too large for complex filters.
- Fix: Calendar icon hides the date with Edge in Spanish.
- Fix: Drag & drop does not work with Chrome in touch screens.
- Fix: Excel import does not work when csvSeparator=, in
- Fix: Importing Excel with ; in some field truncates data or move it to another column.
- Fix: ConcurrentModificationException from time to time for the first execution of the first module.
- Fix: 'Impossible to execute Select action' error when the first module executed enters in detail mode.
- Fix: Clicking on label in radio button editor does not change the option.
- Fix: Tab.setConditionValue() does not work for references.
- Fix: java.sql.Time and TIME stereotype do not allow nulls, always save 00:00 instead.
- Fix: View.setEditable(member, false) does not work for embedded references.
- Fix: startInLastVisitedModule=false in has no effect.
- Fix: @ManyToMany collections with cascade REMOVE do not work.
- Fix: BigDecimalValidator with 7 or more decimals fails.
- Fix: When customizeList=false in the icon to show/hide the filter in list is not shown.
- Fix: After removing a row in an @ElementCollection, @DescriptionsLists after that row stop to work.
- Fix: 'Loading...' message does not disappear from time to time.
- Fix: Viewing image at full size on click does not work with upload file editor on Edge.