SSO and Two Factor Authorization with Azure AD Since XavaPro 7.1 you can configure user identification to use Azure AD, allowing you to use Single Sign-On (SSO). This way, the user can authenticate once and access all your XavaPro applications and other non-XavaPro applications that also use Azure AD. Furthermore, using Azure AD enables you to utilize two-step authentication for your XavaPro applications. In the Admin folder, you have a module called SSO to configure Azure AD: If you check the Enabled checkbox and fill in the remaining fields with the correct configuration of your Azure AD for your application, when you sign in, you will have a new button labeled SIGN IN WITH AZURE AD: If the user clicks on SIGN IN WITH AZURE AD, he will be given the option to sign in using his Azure credentials: Additionally, if the user is already authenticated in that browser, he will access the application without being prompted for identification. Read the SSO with Azure AD article in OpenXava documentation to know all details about configuring OpenXava with Azure AD. |