
December 9, 2024

OpenXava 7.4.4 released

This is a maintenance version with many bug fixes and some small improvements.

OpenXava 7.4.4 released

To update edit the pom.xml file in your project and change the value of the openxava.version property, in this way:


Then rebuild your project:

  • With OpenXava Studio:
    • Right mouse button in your project > Run As > Maven clean
    • Right mouse button in your project > Run As > Maven install
  • Or with command line: mvn clean package

You don't need to download OpenXava Studio again, your current OpenXava Studio will work with the new OpenXava version automatically. You don't need to download anything, just update the pom.xml of your project.

Look at the migration instructions.


We have done some improvements:

  • New projects from archetypes include links to doc, default controllers and sample code in controllers.xml.

Upgraded libraries

We have upgraded the following third party libraries:

  • JSoup upgraded to 1.18.2.
  • Lombok upgraded to 1.18.36.
  • Log4j API and core upgraded to 2.24.2.
  • Driver version in doc/new projects upgraded for Informix and Db2.


We have been working to improve documentation:

  • Article about dashboard creation available in the documentation with video.
  • Video for creating a project management app included in the project templates documentation article.
  • Controllers reference documentation improved to include links to sample code controllers.
We release new docs and videos constantly, not waiting for the official release of the code. So you have been already using some of the above material, although all the above docs are in the GitHub under the 7.4.4 tag.

Bug fixes

We have done many fixes:

  • Fix: @ElementCollection with @ReadOnly does not recognize the last row if it contains a boolean property.
  • Fix: Saves null for the foreign key if an @ElementCollection references an entity with a hidden key.
  • Fix: Calendar list format forgets the user-selected month after returning to the list from detail.
  • Fix: Drag & drop in the calendar list format fails when the date is of type LocalDate.
  • Fix: Tooltip duplicated in calendar list format after drag & drop a record from one day to another.
  • Fix: Fails to filter by record count when the list is grouped.
  • Fix: @Max annotation cancels the effect of @Digits(fraction=) and @Column(scale=).
  • Fix: Wrong OpenXava base directory (the .openxava folder) path in some UNIX systems running as root user.  
  • Fix: If one property is used in more than one @Calculation only the first @Calculation property works.
  • Fix: Using a view of the parent entity that is not present in the module entity breaks the module.
  • Fix: Permits data entry enabling attackers to read arbitrary files via =WEBSERVICE calls in LibreOffice.
  • Fix: Lots of SQL queries for recalculating property values on change-dependent properties in some cases.
  • Fix: Collection total recalculated many times if depends on a property of main view with two collections.

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