March 30, 2022
OpenXava 6.6.3 released This is a maintenance version with many bug fixes and some small improvements. We invite you to download it and upgrade your OpenXava applications. Look at the migration instructions. In this case it's not needed to upgrade the Studio. |
Small improvements We have done some small improvements:
- Reference documentation about @DescriptionsList improved with examples using composite keys.
- Lessons 5, 6, 7 and 8 of course include video.
Bug fixes This is a maintenance version with many bug fixes:
- Fix: Narrowing too much a view with @Coordinates leaves the map outside the property frame.
- Fix: Two groups displayed in the same row do not fill all the space available leaving blank space on right.
- Fix: When two collections are placed side by side they are not aligned on right with other frames in view.
- Fix: Sum in collection used by @Calculation properties not shown if removed in previous versions by user.
- Fix: @DescriptionsList dependent on @DescriptionsList with composite key with a single ? in condition fails.
- Fix: Reference name with no property in condition, ${family} = ?, of @DescriptionsList fails.
- Fix: Calculated property in totals of a collection inside a transient class is not calculated.
- Fix: Filtering LocalDate columns by range in list fails.
- Fix: Links for WEBURL properties do not work in list mode if they have no http: or https: prefix.
- Fix: Looking for a module with expired session produces no answer when it should ask for login.
- Fix: Images shown in cards format are shown at full size, so it's ugly with huge images.
- Fix: Value in list mode broken showing HTML code when it contains " followed by >.
- Fix: JavaScript error "result.dialogTitle is null" when an on-init action shows a dialog.
- Fix: Subview not found error adding an element to a collection of entities in some circumstances.
- Fix: Filtering in list mode dates and timestamps by range in Croatian does not work.
- Fix: Grouping after entering in a module that is already in cards format breaks the module.
- Fix: Creating a new element in a collection fails when using inheritance with generic types.
- Fix: Bean Validation messages use server locale instead of browser locale.
- Fix: Images for PHOTO stereotype are not shown in PDF reports.
- Fix: Losing focus from a date gives "Changed data" message on exit after a "No more elements in list" error.
- Fix: In charts choosing a property not already shown in the chart produces a "Editor not available" error.
- Fix: View inheritance doesn't include parent members with three levels depth if entering child module first.
- Fix: Scrollbars not stylized according to theme (fixed for WebKit based browsers).
- Fix: Unneeded horizontal scrollbar adding columns to a list.