September 23, 2020
OpenXava 6.4.1 released This is a maintenance version with many bug fixes and some small improvements. We invite you to download it and upgrade your OpenXava applications. Look at the migration instructions. |
Small improvements We have done some small improvements:
- Support for JAX-RS 2.1 (JSR 370) for calling RESTful web services.
- Documentation to install the latest OpenXava version on a 32-bit computer.
- Composite key explanation included in JPA documentation.
- Lesson 6 of course upgraded to latest OpenXava features and includes an example of calling REST services.
- Lesson 2 of course simplified removing some error prone parts.
Bug fixes This is a maintenance version with many bug fixes:
- Fix: Reference search icon bad displayed on hover inside element collections.
- Fix: On removing rows from an element collection calculated properties dependent on totals not updated.
- Fix: Property dependent on a total property of an element collection not recalculated when total changed.
- Fix: Calculated properties are not refreshed on adding to collection.
- Fix: Calculated properties available for "group by" in list, when they cannot be used for grouping.
- Fix: Read only HTML_TEXT in a section put all content in a row overflowing the screen.
- Fix: Generate PDF with an IIconEnum property in the list produces an error.
- Fix: Date, LocalDate and DATETIME do not work with Croatian language.
- Fix: When running from application launcher the default i18n does not work
- Fix: The updateOX Ant target fails after a clean of OpenXava project.
- Fix: Not applicable warnings on updateOX and deployWar Ant targets.
- Fix: Error message of javax.validation.ValidationException from setter not shown on adding to a collection.
- Fix: @EntityValidator does not work when entity is modified on adding to a collection.
- Fix: On adding elements to a collection it closes the dialog even if no elements has been added.
- Fix: Reference not injected in @EntityValidator on modify if it is not on the user interface.
- Fix: Required validation on modifying does not work for IMAGES_GALLERY and FILES.
- Fix: Removing a file from an upload editor does not work if it has an @OnChange action associated.
- Fix: Upload editor (PHOTO, IMAGES_GALLERY and FILES) doesn't allow to download file when read only.
- Fix: Links of menu in JPA docs in Spanish broken.
- Fix: Assigning initial value to a reference used as mappedBy of an @OrderColumn list breaks the list.
- Fix: Saving an entity with a reference with empty value used by a mappedBy of an @OrderColumn fails.
- Fix: Creating a new element in an @OneToMany shows "You will lose all changes" message leaving record.
- Fix: From time to time changing the theme by a user changes the login page theme for all users.