Support for WebSphere Portal was dropped in OpenXava 7.0.
OpenXava applications are not
been tested for WebSphere Application Server 8.5 or better.
Support for WebSphere 8.0 was
dropped in OpenXava 6.1. WebSphere 8.0 and WebSphere Portal 8.0 are
supported in OpenXava until OpenXava 6.0.2.
Support for WebSphere 6.1 was
dropped in OpenXava 5.0. WebSphere 6.1 and WebSphere Portal 6.1 are
supported in OpenXava 4.x.
Here some screenshots of an OpenXava application in WebSphere Portal:
targets for WebSphere 8 and WebSphere Portal 8 (not needed since
OpenXava 5.3.1)
Since OpenXa 5.3.1 the regular ant targets to create wars and portlets
applications work with WebShere 8
You have to define in your
build.xml the next ant targets:
<target name="createWebSphere8War">
<ant antfile="../OpenXava/build.xml" target="createWebSphere8War"/>
<target name="generateWebSpherePortal8Portlets">
<ant antfile="../OpenXava/build.xml" target="generateWebSpherePortal8Portlets"/>
Use the above ant targets to deploy on WebSphere 8 and WebSphere Portal 8.
loading (not needed in WebSphere Portal 8)
OpenXava uses the libraries
commons-codec and
that are also included in WebSphere (8 and 6.1). The problem is that the
ones included in WebSphere (even in version 8) are older than the ones
included in OpenXava. This can produce some problems when your code uses
some features of OpenXava that use some of these libraries.
You have two solutions:
- Configure the classloader order to give preference to the jars
included in the WAR.
- In Enterprise Applications > YourApp_war > Manage
Modules > YourApp.war choose "parent last".
- Or well, remove or upgrade the libraries from your WebSphere
2.4 syntax forced for web.xml in WebSphere Portal 8
It means that you cannot use
display-name and
at servlet level. Therefore, in your own servlets you have to change this:
<display-name>Test servlet</display-name>
By this: