openxava / documentation / Lesson 9: Java properties

Course: 1. Getting started | 2. Basic domain model (1) | 3. Basic domain model (2) | 4. Refining the user interface | 5. Agile development6. Mapped superclass inheritance | 7. Entity inheritance | 8. View inheritance | 9. Java properties | 10. Calculated properties | 11. @DefaultValueCalculator in collections | 12. @Calculation and collections totals | 13. @DefaultValueCalculator from file | 14. Manual schema evolution | 15. Multi user default value calculation | 16. Synchronize persistent and computed properties | 17. Logic from database  | 18. Validating with @EntityValidator 19. Validation alternatives  | 20. Validation on remove  21. Custom Bean Validation annotation  | 22. REST service call from validation  | 23. Attributes in annotations  | 24. Refining the standard behavior | 25. Behavior & business logic | 26. References & collections | A. Architecture & philosophy | B. Java Persistence API | C. Annotations | D. Automated testing

Table of contents

Lesson 9: Java properties
You have converted your domain model into a fully functional web application. This application is already quite useful on its own, although there are still many improvements you can make. So let's transform your application into something more serious, and by the way, let's learn some interesting things about OpenXava.
Let's start by learning some basic Java concepts like properties.

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In order to understand some concepts well in this lesson you have to know how properties work in Java. The standard way to define a property in Java is:
// Property
private int quantity; // Has a field

public int getQuantity() { // A getter to return the field value
    return quantity;

public void setQuantity(int quantity) { // Changes the field value
    this.quantity = quantity;
This is based on the idea that you never should access the state (the fields) of an object directly, but always calling methods. This is very useful because you can change the implementation of a property without affecting the code that uses it. Moreover, all tools, frameworks and libraries from the Java ecosystem rely on this convention (part of JavaBeans specification). Therefore, we should use this convention always. A property in Java is a getter method (getQuantity() for example) and a setter method (setQuantity(int quantity)) if the property is modifiable. In fact, the field (private int quantity in this case) is not needed.
The problem of this approach is that it is very verbose, a lot of the code of our classes are getters and setters that really do not add value and make a lot of noise. To solve this problem we use a library called Lombok. With Lombok you can define the above quantity property in this way:
@Getter @Setter // It generates a getter and a setter method
int quantity; 
@Getter and @Setter generate the getter and the setter in the compiled code, so when you access the property you have to use them, thus:
int q = theObject.getQuantity(); // Never int q = theObject.quantity 
theObject.setQuantity(q + 10); // Never theObject.quantity = q + 10;      
You can declare @Getter and @Setter at class level so all the fields have getter and setter automatically. And of course, you can write your own setter and getter if you want to use your own logic:
// @Data // NEVER USE @Data
@Getter @Setter
public class Issue {

    int number;
    String description;
    public String getDescription() { // Your own getter overwrites the generated one by Lombok
        if (description == null) return "No description yet";
        return description;

In this case Lombok generates for you getNumber(), setNumber() and setDescription() while getDescription() is the one written by you. Note as you never should use the @Data annotation of Lombok, given that it produces infinite recursive loops when you have reciprocal references, something very usual in business applications.


In this lesson you have learned some common ways to add business logic to your entities. We saw how the Lombok library works, how to define getters and setters manually in order to establish custom logic for our application.

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