Action |
Associates an action to a property or reference in the view.
AddAction |
Allows you to define your custom action to start
adding new elements to a collection choosing from existing ones.
Chart |
To display a chart using the values from a collection.
CollectionView |
The view of the referenced object (each collection element) which is used to
display the detail.
DeleteSelectedAction |
Allows to define your a custom action to delete the selected elements
from the collection and database.
DescriptionsList |
With @DescriptionsList you can instruct OpenXava to visualize references
as a descriptions list (actually a combo).
DetailAction |
In collection view to add actions in detail mode, usually actions which scope
is the detail that is being edited.
DisplaySize |
The size in characters of the editor in the User Interface used to display
this property.
EditAction |
Allows you to define your custom action to view a collection element.
Editor |
Name of the editor to use for displaying the member in this view.
EntityValidator |
This validator allows to define a validation at entity level.
HideDetailAction |
In a collection it allows you to define your custom action to hide
the detail view.
LabelFormat |
Format to display the label of this property or reference (displayed as descriptions list).
LabelFormatType |
For using in @LabelFormat as value.
LabelStyle |
Style to display the label of this property or reference (displayed as descriptions list).
LargeDisplay |
To display the value of the property in large format.
ListAction |
In collections to add actions in list mode; usually actions which scope is
the entire collection.
ListProperties |
Properties to show in the list for visualization of a collection.
ListSubcontroller |
Allows to define a subcontroller in a collection.
NewAction |
Allows you to define your custom action to start
creating a new element to a collection.
OnChange |
Action to execute when the value of this property/reference changes.
OnChangeSearch |
Action to execute to do the search of a reference when the user
types the key value.
OnSelectElementAction |
Allows to define an action to be executed when an element of the collection is
selected or unselected.
PropertyValidator |
The validator execute validation logic on the value assigned to the property
just before storing.
PropertyValue |
Encapsulate the value for inject it in a property.
ReferenceView |
View of the referenced object used to display it in a reference.
RemoveAction |
Allows to define a custom action to remove the element from the collection.
RemoveSelectedAction |
Allows to define your a custom action to remove the selected elements
from the collection.
RemoveValidator |
The @RemoveValidator is a level model validator, it is executed
just before removing an object, and it has the possibility to deny the deletion.
RowAction |
In collections to add an action in each row, but not in the collection button bar.
RowStyle |
For indicating the row style for Tab s and collections .
SaveAction |
Allows to define a custom action to save the collection element.
SearchAction |
Allows you to specify your own action for searching.
SearchListCondition |
Defines a condition to be used when showing list of selectable items
for adding elements to a collection or assigning value to a reference.
SearchListTab |
Name of the tab used to display the list data in the dialog
when searching on a reference or collection
SimpleList |
To display a collection as a simple read-only list, without actions, filters, pagination, sorting, etc.
Tab |
Define the behavior for tabular data presentation (List mode).
Tree |
With @Tree you can instruct OpenXava to visualize collections
as a tree instead of a list.
View |
Defines with precision the format of the user interface or view.
ViewAction |
Allows you to define your custom action to view a collection element.