Annotation Type View

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface View
    Defines with precision the format of the user interface or view.

    Applies to entities.


        "year, number, date, paid;" +
        "discounts [" +
        "       customerDiscount, customerTypeDiscount, yearDiscount;" +
        "];" +
        "comment;" +                    
        "customer { customer }" +
        "details { details }" +                 
        "amounts { amountsSum; vatPercentage; vat }" +
        "deliveries { deliveries }"             
      public class Invoice {
    Javier Paniza
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.String extendsView
      Name of a view to be extended by this one.
      java.lang.String members
      Indicates the members to display and its layout in the user interface.
      java.lang.String name
      This name identifies the view.
    • Element Detail

      • name

        java.lang.String name
        This name identifies the view.

        It can be used in other OpenXava places (for example in application.xml) or from another entities.
        This name is referenced from forViews or notForViews of other OpenXava annotations.
        If the view has no name then the view is assumed as the default one, that is the natural form to display an object of this type.

      • extendsView

        java.lang.String extendsView
        Name of a view to be extended by this one.

        All the members (including sections) of the extendsView are included by default. Moreover, all the members defined in this view (using members) are added to their.
        That is, if you have:

      • members

        java.lang.String members
        Indicates the members to display and its layout in the user interface.

        Use comma (,) for separating elements, and semicolon (;) for new line.
        You can use section {} and group [] elements for layout purposes; or actions ( MyController.myAction() ) element for showing a link associated to a custom action inside your view.
