Annotation Type SearchListCondition

  • @Repeatable(SearchListConditions.class)
    public @interface SearchListCondition
    Defines a condition to be used when showing list of selectable items for adding elements to a collection or assigning value to a reference.

    This one differs from @Condition that it does not affect the collection list, it only affects the list of selectable items.

    Applies to references and @OneToMany/@ManyToMany collections.


      private int code;
      private String level;
      @SearchListCondition(value="${id} < 'C'")
      @SearchListCondition(value="${id} = ${this.level}") // ${this. } since v7.4
      private SellerLevel level;
      @SearchListCondition(value="${number} < 5")
      @SearchListCondition(value="${number} < ${this.code}") // ${this. } since v7.4
      private Collection customers;
    Federico Alcantara
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      java.lang.String value
      Condition value
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.String forViews
      List of comma separated view names where this annotation applies.
      java.lang.String notForViews
      List of comma separated view names where this annotation does not apply.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        java.lang.String value
        Condition value
      • forViews

        java.lang.String forViews
        List of comma separated view names where this annotation applies.

        Exclusive with notForViews.
        If both forViews and notForViews are omitted then this annotation apply to all views.
        You can use the string "DEFAULT" for referencing to the default view (the view with no name).

      • notForViews

        java.lang.String notForViews
        List of comma separated view names where this annotation does not apply.

        Exclusive with forViews.
        If both forViews and notForViews are omitted then this annotation apply to all views.
        You can use the string "DEFAULT" for referencing to the default view (the view with no name).
